Saturday, September 24, 2011


Hello my blog post reader...went to the OTEN conference today. The first workshop was basically the same thing as our technology class (made me feel smart, I know what everything was). The second one was good. Stellarium was the technology used, but the teacher showed us this is three different ways. Firsts had us write down what we thought the moons pattern was and then explain our thoughts. Then we saw the stellarium example (which was still a bit rough to grab the concept). Then he had us go out side and do a hands on example (which I finally understood)! It was informational as well as introducing a new technology...bah technology. I downloaded the free stellarium, its actually really fun to play with without any purpose. It would be a great activity with ones kids to look it up and actually go outside and try and find the constellations! If your interested you can get to the download from this site.

1 comment:

  1. Always nice when one attends a work session and understands much of what's being said. Good for one's confidence. On my iPhone there is an App called iUniverse. Similar to your download. Simply aim the iPhone (actually the built-in GPS) anywhere in the sky and it shows you what you're looking at. Last night the big bright star to the East was Jupiter. Kind of cool.

    Meanwhile, your Yodio is only 2 seconds long and silence. Hmmm. Double check and see what's up.
